Snugabell Journal

How to Pump More Breastmilk
Five pumping pro tips to help you make your breast pumping sessions more efficient and less boring.
World Breast Pumping Day 2022
World Breast Pumping Day 2022: Holding SpaceWorld Breast Pumping Day honours the time and dedication that pumping entails while respecting that some people have complex feelings about pumping and may find it difficult to celebrate.  WBPD2022 acknowledges that it’s okay to be not okay. We’re...
What is Bereaved Mother's Day?
Bereaved Mother's Day falls on the first weekend in May and is a day of remembrance. Mother's Day is a complicated holiday for many people. Bereaved Mother's Day gives those complicated feelings the space and acknowledgement they deserve. It gives...
Why Does My Expressed Breastmilk Smell Bad?
  Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down the fats to help babies digest human milk. When lipase occurs in higher levels, expressed breastmilk can smell and/or taste soapy. Milk with excess lipase is safe to drink, but some babies dislike the taste and refuse...
Find Your Perfect Flange Fit
The flanges that come with your breast pump may not be the correct flanges for your breasts. Just like breasts come in different shapes and sizes, so do breast pump flanges.